Don't be Hangry : Pilot Episode
Hangry: Adjective. To be so hungry that you become angry.
We know quite a bit about being hangry in this house. Between growing kids, allergies, food sensitives and restrictions, and lots and lots and LOTS of activity, I am cooking CONSTANTLY. Zechariah is gluten free, grain free, sugar free, and we limit the root/tuber veggies too. Why? Because his body does not process some of those things the way that they are intended to be processed, therefor consuming those foods creates what I guess you could call physical 'noise' in his body so that he cannot focus on anything BUT that (that is super laymen terms of what we think is going on).

We chose this diet as a last resort when they prescribed Ritalin and Adderall to my 5 year old, then were ready to up the dose and possibly add anxiety meds at 6. Nope, not on my watch, time for plan B! Luckily we had help and support from family and friends, and even a friend who guided me through the entire process (she had been there, done that). I will not tell you that it was an easy journey, changing his diet (and really limiting all of our diets) over the course of 6 months because we cold-turkeyed EVERYTHING. It was probably one of the most difficult things I had ever done, taking away all the foods he liked to eat at the time and watching him sugar withdraw. Let me tell you though, it was 100% worth it because now he CRAVES things that are good for him! He is amazingly healthy in his diet!
Well, a few months ago, Kyle and I started talking about how we could empower Zechariah to create meals for himself that he loves. He already loves to cook--obsessed with Giada, Iron Chef type shows, and anything he can get his hands on as far as cookbooks. We came up with this: A You Tube channel that allows him to share his favorite foods, the foods we eat every day, from his point of view! We filmed this a few days ago and he LOVED seeing HIMSELF on a cooking show! Let us know what you think and enjoy!
Ingredients (make this even better with organic, cage free and pasture raised foods!):
1 bag of riced cauliflowe or a head of cauliflower, cooked
1/3 cup of parmesan cheese
1/2 cup mozzarella cheese
1 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 eggs
Mix everything above together in a bowl
Shape into a circle on a silicone mat (this is important, because if you use foil or anything else it will stick)
Cook at 400 degrees for 20 minutes or until firm
Add pizza toppings
Cook for 8-10 more minutes until the cheese is melted and bubbly