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This is a blog. This is a blog about who we are and what we love as a family. Sometimes it’s so much easier to express what excites us and what we laugh through and what we struggle with and what we hope to be in writing, and that is what I hope to do here. No experience is uncommon and I hope that this will be a way for you (the reader) to connect, to laugh, to find common ground, and to know that you are not alone. I am a mom, a woman, a wife, a mother, a photographer, a follower of Christ, an American, a black woman, a special needs parent, an artist, a lover of science and the natural world, a lover of poetry and music and art, an entrepreneur and an experimental cook, a budding outdoors-man...or woman I guess (just to name a few things), but you don't have to be all or any of those things to follow this blog. You just have to be a person who loves, laughs, works hard, makes mistakes and is always trying to become the very best versions of themselves--because really, that's all this blog--our story--will ever tell here. 

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photo credit Jillian Green Photography

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