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Mikah's Birth Story (Reposted)

IT's SURREAL, we have a girl...we have a little girl! We were so thankful and happy with our one little boy, but now we've been given the opportunity to raise two? For whatever reason, I had convinced myself that I would be a mom of all boys, so I prepared to be a mom of all boys. Suddenly, this little lady enters our lives mommy is woefully unprepared—I know how to raise a boy at least to age three, but a girl? A GIRL?? The thoughts of dresses and sparkles and headbands and boyfriends and prom dresses and wedding shopping came pouring in like a flood… But let’s backtrack a little to the day we first met her—who doesn’t love a good birth story?

Dec 12 11:00 (13 days before my due date)

I’m at a shoot at the Willows at Meadow Branch a bit crampy and on the phone with my OB trying to describe how I feel—they tell me to come on in, so I finish up the shoot and run (well, drive) over to my clinic. 1 cm dilated --- It could stay that way for weeks ARRRRHGGG! Back Home

Dec 13 2AM

I can’t sleep (nothing new) and the campiness is even more uncomfortable, coming and going so to pass time I download a contraction app. I mean, my son was a week late, no hope for this little girl coming early… HOLY COW! My crampy contractions are 5 min apart! At 3-4 minutes apart (4am) I wake my Hubs and we get our bags packed, call Zech’s FRIGGIN’ AMAZING NANNY, Carrie who drives 35 min to our house in the wee hours of the morning to watch Zech for a unknown amount of time (until one of our mothers can get here at least). Off we go to the hospital at 5:00AM…meanwhile my contractions take a turn and I can’t sit up straight between them—Kyle drives faster, I yell at a chip delivery truck for driving slow in front of us (who needs potato chips at 5AM??) all that fun stuff.

Dec 13 (12noonish)

Four and ½ Cm. Seriously?!? My son was out in 8 hrs start to finish, and here I am with my second approaching hour 9 at ONLY four and a half centimeters! I can’t talk through brutal contractions as I crawl toward 6 cm over the next 2 hrs only to be stuck there for another 2 hours. I LIVED in the hot shower with a birthing ball while my wonderful husband massages my back (I had back labor most of the time for this little one) I’m told that I can’t get an epidural due to my anemia and low platelet count (despite iron pills) so it looks like I’m in it for the long haul. Trust me, I wish I was one of those moms who just HAD to do it natural for my health and my baby’s, but I was crying for an epidural around 5 cm and I would have GLADLY taken it—no shame in that game Mommas.

Dec 13 (3:00ish)

Time to break my water—here we go!!! I don’t know what I would have done without my coach, my love, my partner by my side as I prepared for the pain, the stamina, the endurance, and the mental challenge of bringing new life into the world. The L&D nurses were AMAZING at Winchester Medical Center Women’s Center.

Dec (3:15-6:00)

TRANSITION. Need I say more?

DEC 13, 2014 6:18PM

We welcome our brand new, soaking wet, screaming little 6lb 9oz baby girl into the world, and as I held her tiny body on my chest, still attached to mommy through a life cord, time stood still. I touched her soft hair, smelled her sweet newborn scent, and gazed into her baby-grey eyes, not wanting the moment to end...she's perfect in every way.

…Right now your grown-up days are far away from here, and I am treasuring every second I get to hold you in my arms---oh you are so perfect, my little princess…I hope you love your name and wear it proudly. Your name is strong and it is Hebrew for ‘Who is like God?’ No one is! And He has you in his loving hands always, just as you are in mine now.

-Love, Mommy


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